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Jack Growth Journey

by Benjamin Zhou

Pages 10 and 11 of 14

They go to a big canyon, suddenly, a robot say hey hey. I am the king of this canyon, you guys it’s done! Time is stop,Pu!, elfin say, the wizard is control the robot you fight with robot, you need help him. Shut! Time start again, Jack bravely say:” who are you? Why you look like very unfeeling!’’ the robot say:” my name is Terry, i am dominate! I have imprisoned countless villagers and animals here”.Why do you want to do this? Don't talk nonsense. All the people here will be caught! Suddenly Jack had a sword in his pocket, and he bravely defeated Terry with his sword. Terry suddenly woke up, who am I, where am I? Oh yes, I remember I was controlled by a wizard. Come on! Go to the wizard, the magic seed is there, and I'll give you something, a token, so that you can disguise yourself as the warrior there and help you get the magic seed.
In the night they find a black door, they open the door, Chua! They go to a castle, is the wizard castle! A token is working, they look like a warrior, in the night is so quiet no people stay, they walk on the street and find the box! In the box is the magic seed, hahaha! Wizard is coming, he say:”good evening, i am wizard, no is scary wizard, i know you guys help Terry, so i know you guys will come to here. my warrior, come, take they go to the scary room, hahaha gook luck.”
But smart Jack think a idea, warrior open the room, many goats coming:”welcome!”
Warrior close the door. Jack talk to the goats:”who are you guys?” Goats say we are the village in this magic forest, but one day wizard take ours to be goats, we live have two years.” Jack say:” if you guys take ours go out, we will help you guys back to village and have a life again.” Goats say really? Jack say deal! Pong! Door is open, good luck day goats.

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