Book Creator

Jack Growth Journey

by Benjamin Zhou

Pages 8 and 9 of 14

first day, he go straight of the way, but he can’t see anything. Suddenly, a sound of he’s had:” you friend is call Ruby, he is a dog, but he need brave to do some thing.” After talk, Jack find Ruby, Ruby is crying, he say:”i can’t find my mom! The warrior take my mom to castle, i want take my mom back, but this river is so dangerous and fast, if i jump down, i will die!’’ Jack think idea. “I will take wood to make a bridge to help you go across the river.’’ Ok now you only need use your brave to go across this river. Ruby Pluck up courage, say i can do it, he stand on the bright, fast run to land. Yes! I did it said Ruby, pu! Elfin it appears, congratulations Ruby and jack, now go to find other friend.
Jack and Ruby find a place, they build a small wooden house to sleep, second day morning, jack get up, and saw a red bird he are lonely, because he don’t have any friend, other birds are go to other place to live, Jack go to say can i help you? Bird say my name is Flappy, i am very lonely, i need to find birds can you help me. Jack say:”yes i can help with overs to find magic seed.’’really? Yes! But I need go to canyon to find my mom. Jack:”yes lets go!”