Book Creator

Jack Growth Journey

by Benjamin Zhou

Pages 6 and 7 of 14

A boy short and thin boy called Jack, he is 12 years old, he is bad boy in the school, he also is a bully. But he has a nice mom called Nancy, Nancy help jack do the homework and study, help him how to be nice. But in spite of his mother to her again good, he is still not effusive..
One day, a elfin is coming see what jack do. He is angry, he make jack small and say you need to reflect on oneself. Then elfin take Jack to the magic forest, elfin tell Jack:”this magic forest is dead, and you need to find the magic seed to save this magic forest.’’In the distance, you will meet many friend to help you, they all live in this magic forest, they need someone help, so you are best people to find magic seed.”