Book Creator


by Fulya Demirci

Pages 4 and 5 of 53

Hello. My name is Münteha. I am from Kırşehir, but I live in Ankara Pursaklar. I have got green eyes. I have got blonde hair. We are five people in my family. I have one sister and one brother. I am the eldest child. I am fifteen years old and a ninth grade student at Pursaklar Anatolian Imam Hatip High School. I love my school and my classes.In the future, I want to get into a good university, become a lawyer and open my own office. My hobbies are reading books, listening to music, riding a bike and taking care of my cat.
Hello ! My name is Hilal Esra. I am 14 years old. I was born on the eight of December. I am from Çorum and I live in Ankara. I am going to ninth grade in Pursaklar Project Imam Orator Hıgh School. My favorite class is maths. I want to be a doctor in the future and I want to be very rich. I like black color and plum. My hobies are listening to music and sleeping.
I am Aysena . I am student at Pursaklar Anatolian Imam Hatip High School. I like reading books and listening to music. My favorite subject is English.
Hello! My name is Berrin. I am fourteen years old. I am from Malatya but I have been in Ankara from my childhood. I am studying at Pursaklar Imam-Orator High School. My favourite lesson is chemistry. I want to be a pilot ın the future. I want to travelling around the world. My hobbies are listening to music and reading books. I am learning three languages at this moment. These are Spanish, Arabic and English.
Hello! I'm Abdul Aziz. I'm 14 years old. I'm from Çankırı but I live Ankara. I have got brown eyes. I have got brown hair. I'm honest and friendly. I'm play football and basketball. I play basketball better than football.
Hello. My name is Amine Zeynep Alperen. I am from Çorum but I live in Pursaklar, Ankara. There are six of us in my family. I am fourteen years old and a ninth grade student at Pursaklar Anatolian Imam Hatip High School. I love my school and my classes. In the future, I want to enter a good university and become a vet. My hobbies are listening to music, reading books, painting, taking care of animals.