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Korean Cold War

by Lox Sopheakmony

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

Comic Panel 1
What is a cold war?
A cold war is a conflict between nations that does not involve direct military fighting. A cold war is done with: economic sanctions, political actions, propaganda, spying, and proxy wars. The Korean War was one of several military conflicts that occurred during the Cold War, as the United States and its allies attempted to stop the spread of communism. The USA and USSR creative about avoiding direct conflict during cold by giving weapon to other countries, proxy war, they make an agreement and north countries avoid using nuclear bomb.
Comic Panel 2
What is a proxy war?
A proxy war is when nations fight... Without fighting. 
-conflict between two states or non-state
The Korean conflict 

It was a proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union (USSR), with each sending troops and supplies directly to their allies to support the regional battle. The US backed South Korea, while the Soviets and China backed North Korea. The Korean War ended three years later, with millions of casualties.

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