Book Creator


by by Ms CALMON 's 6th graders

Pages 4 and 5 of 64

W is for Witches !
La Colle-sur-Loup, juin 2022

Ce livre a été conçu par les élèves de deux classes de 6ème du collège Yves Klein de la Colle-sur-Loup.
Nous avons travaillé sur un texte de Baba Yaga tiré de l'album "M is for Monster: A Fantastic Creatures Alphabet" de J. Patrick Lewis.
Les élèves ont imaginé des sorcières drôles ou effrayantes , les ont illustrées puis ont enregistré leurs textes afin d'offrir à leurs partenaires de CM2 des écoles Noël Lanza et Daniel Pennac une moment de lecture en pleine autonomie.

En outre, ce travail s'inscrit dans un projet intercycle sur le thème de la Femme, de la maternelle au lycée.

Bonne lecture ! Enjoy your reading !

Laurence Calmon, leur professeur d'anglais
A is for Alima.
Alima is a horrible and nasty witch.

She lives in a haunted house but more particularly in the main room, a bedroom that looks like a graveyard.

She has got a big nose and hooked fingers and her arms are like snakes.

The witch likes biting children and eating them while always saying
« Mamma Mia, don’t they look good! »

She casts spells and scares children but like everyone, Alima has a weak point: she hates good smells!

So be careful, she can be anywhere!

Milla and Letizia
B is for Betty

"I despise them !”

Betty is an ordinary small witch that flies the air on trash.

Her nose is so small and pointed !

Her hair is as dark as coal.

Her skinny arms are like noodles.

She lives in a villa on the French Riviera.

The windows of her house look like cats.

She captures children and turns them into frogs.

She can be very scary : so watch out !

Watch out or she will catch you out !

Ruben and Anthony
C is for Cordelia

"Come, my child let me tie you with my rope ! "

Cordelia is a monstruous and fierce witch that can transform.

Her ears are so pointed !
Her hair is as blond as gold.
Her nose is like a mouse' s.

She lives in a tree house.
The bedroom looks like a coffin.

She kidnaps chidren and links then with a rope !

She doesn't like parents !

She can be close to you in a second : so watch out !

Watch out or she will catch you out !

Isis and Victoire