Book Creator

SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy

by Rachel Sadler

Pages 2 and 3 of 65

What is the Strategy about? 
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This is our scrap book about the Joint Commissioning Strategy. Please add to it and share your ideas :)
If you have any questions about the Strategy, or need any help with adding things to this book, please email, call or text me 07734000401 .
How to use Bookcreator to add to this book.
How to change how the book looks; colours, fonts etc.
Reading the book and accessibility of text.
Now we are ready to start adding things... the pages will take you through each part of the Strategy and ask for your feedback on each topic. It is fine to skip a topic if you want to, just add what you would like to.
You said....
Some of the titles are confusing and it is not clear enough who they are for
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