Book Creator

Andrew Michael

by Victoria Mitchell, Charlotte Watts, Ella Samson, and Maddy Brouillard

Pages 4 and 5 of 33

My dearest Audrey, September 27

It’s been too long since I’ve heard from you. Things have started to get complicated here on Mars, I cannot discuss it with you due to work confidentiality but it is not good. I know you’re on your way into space and this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I need you to go to take the flight that heads to the space station on the moon. It isn’t safe here and I refuse to put you in danger even if I might never see you again. I love you unconditionally which is why I cannot have you come here. When I came here with the 15 other soldiers, we were not informed of the government's plans, they were trying to control everyone more than when we all lived on Earth. Once more citizens of Earth started to come to live on Mars, we were told to install cameras in every house that was on government owned land. Which happened to be all of them. The real problem was that no one knew that we were installing them. Residents would be informed that we were there to install security features which isn’t incorrect but they kind of extended the truth.
Not only do we now have access to see what everyone is doing, we are also able to hear whatever they’re saying. So now the UMars government has us either sitting behind a screen watching and monitoring everyone or they have us enforcing punishments on the people who mention anything about going back to Earth or saying anything bad about UMars. It has gotten out of control and when I try to mention how wrong it is, they threaten to take away any chance I have at seeing you or my family. I am terrified of what is happening. I cannot get any more into detail, I have already told you too much and risked putting you in danger. Audrey please listen to what I am saying, I am looking for what's best for you. 

Yours truly,
Not only do we now have access to see what everyone is doing, we are also able to hear whatever they’re saying. So now the UMars government has us either sitting behind a screen watching and monitoring everyone or they have us enforcing punishments on the people who mention anything about going back to Earth or saying anything bad about UMars. It has gotten out of control and when I try to mention how wrong it is, they threaten to take away any chance I have at seeing you or my family. I am terrified of what is happening. I cannot get any more into detail, I have already told you too much and risked putting you in danger. Audrey please listen to what I am saying, I am looking for what's best for you. 

Yours truly,