Book Creator


by Ashley Moyes

Pages 4 and 5 of 29

After putting everything into the gray suburban me and Logan hopped straight into the car and a few moments later my mom and dad did the same. Logan was already on his phone doing who knows what but I was just so excited for another great year with the family, but what I forgot was we had to wait for my grandpa to drive down to help us. Even though it was literally seven minutes I felt so anxious like it felt like I couldn't even stay in my seat but seven minutes later he pulled up in his dark green subaru You know that feeling when your gonna be late how your just like ahhhh and your just freaking out in your head but on the outside you seemed normal that's how I felt before he showed up after he did show up it was like a sort of relief. My brother got out of the car and in the rear view mirrors I saw him get into the subaru with my grandpa the reason we needed help from my grandpa was we needed someone to help drive the boat up to hyrum did we own a boat you ask no it was my aunts and uncles who were so kind to let us use it for the time being.
After putting everything into the gray suburban me and Logan hopped straight into the car and a few moments later my mom and dad did the same. Logan was already on his phone doing who knows what but I was just so excited for another great year with the family, but what I forgot was we had to wait for my grandpa to drive down to help us. Even though it was literally seven minutes I felt so anxious like it felt like I couldn't even stay in my seat but seven minutes later he pulled up in his dark green subaru You know that feeling when your gonna be late how your just like ahhhh and your just freaking out in your head but on the outside you seemed normal that's how I felt before he showed up after he did show up it was like a sort of relief. My brother got out of the car and in the rear view mirrors I saw him get into the subaru with my grandpa the reason we needed help from my grandpa was we needed someone to help drive the boat up to hyrum did we own a boat you ask no it was my aunts and uncles who were so kind to let us use it for the time being.