Book Creator

Rhyming: Short Vowels

by Book Creator

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

Teacher Guide
This activity template book was created for teachers to have all 5 short vowel remixable rhyming template books for students in one convenient place!

Each template includes activities for students to further their learning around rhyming, word families, and onset-rimes in order to master the phonemic awareness and phonics competencies in regards to this important literacy skill.

Each remixable book is aligned to the best practices for teaching foundational reading skills, and also include the five pillars of reading; Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.
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To share each book, click Remix to copy the book into your library and then you can Assign to your students. For further help visit our support pages.

Note that these books are best reviewed in 'edit' mode. You'll see that there are directions and teacher tips in the book margins.

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