Book Creator

Frog Pourquoi 2024

by Tessanne Coble


My Frog Pourquoi

Why poison dart frogs are so colorful!
By: Tessanne
There is a deserted farm that is full of rubbage.  It is July 13th, and it is hot and muggy outside!!

There are 3 poison dart frogs.   Their names are Ruby, June, and Maroon.

They came across the farm while they were on a hike. They were hot and were looking for water and a place to rest.
Ruby likes to sit on cool leaves.  

June is nice and kind.  She is also strong.

Maroon is sassy and funny!  She is a daredevil!  She has wandered off sometimes and…

The problem is the rubbage at the farm is scattered all over the place.  It is hard to move around because there is so much stuff!   

The water well is across the farmyard and… it is almost empty! But the frogs do not know that!!