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Black Death

by Navnidh Yarram

Pages 8 and 9 of 25

Black Death
When it Started
   During the 1347 to 1350 the black plague/bubonic/black death. But to be exact it came in October.

How it Started
   It decimated the army of Kipchak Khan. They were from China. Jani Beg catapulted plague infected corpses in an effort to infect enemies. The ships carried an epidemic westward at the Mediterranean ports. Twelve ships came to Venice, Italy from the black sea. Finally,my last reason why the Black Death is the deadliest plague is because it may cause horrible symptoms. Some deadly symptoms that your tissues on your fingertips will blacken because your tissues on your fingertips are dead. 

Which Countries Did It Spread Too
   In (1347) it spread across North Africa, Mainland Italy, Spain, France
   In (1348) it spread across thousands of miles including Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Germany, Dorset, and other low countries

What Happens If You Get Infected By It
   Once you get infected by the bubonic plague or the bacteria that caused the bubonic plague yersinia pestis it will enter the bloodstream which is the stream that carries our blood all the way through your body. It will also travel to your liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs, and the brain. There are two types of pandemics Pneumonic and Septicemic, pneumonic plagues infects lungs and septicemic plagues mostly infects the blood stream. The black death was a pneumonic and both a bubonic plague because some of the symptoms were easy to escape but some were not.

   The symptoms of once you get the black death is that you will get a fever, you will feel nothing but weakness, You will quickly develop shaking chills, diarrhea, and a lot of pain. You will also get buboes in your groins and armpits. Your tissue on your nose and fingertips will be blackened because they are dead. If you were too weak you would vomit out blood.

How Did The Black Death End
   The Black Death never really ended but the cases got lower after people started using popper hygiene and washing their hands and taking care of themselves. But even if the people are using popper hygiene they still didn’t eliminate it. It is still around in parts of Asia and parts of America in both South and North. In the 1860s Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine made a cure/vaccine for the Black Death. The president and the people were happy and proud of him because he found a cure for it and now people won’t have to worry about dying from it so he got a trophy in 1860. But once he died on 26th of October in 1930 after he died the black death spread even more than the time he was alive.
Tis is a picture of the Black Death of how it spread and how far it spread.