Book Creator

Come Back Elizabeth

by Darcey Evain

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

But  Elizabeth had to go to Scotland in the north of Britain and Kate had to go to Cornwall in the south of Britain. A couple of months later Kate received a letter from Elizabeth, she was so relieved! It said:

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Dear Kate,
It is so different without you here in Scotland
(in the north of Britain) and I
am feeling very sad without you.   I have some
good news for you, I am going to move to the
countryside in England which means you can
come and visit me!  And I can visit you in Cornwall
(in the south of Britain).

Your best friend Elizabeth xxx

They were both so happy!

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This book is about ...
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This book is about two girls that lived in London in 1939. In this storie these two girls, Elizabeth and Kate are separated because of the war.

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