Book Creator

Come Back Elizabeth

by Darcey Evain

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A long time ago, in 1939 there were two little girls, one called Elizabeth and the other one was called Kate.  Elizabeth and Kate lived in London. They loved it they because it was calm, nice and quiet. London was a lovely city.  Every day, they went to school together and they even went back home together, they were best friends. The school was a big and grey building.

But one day it all ended, it was the day Kate and Elizabeth were walking back from school.  It was the day soldiers started to take over the city, a sea of helmets filing the streets, shining like emeralds. They where wearing moss green uniforms and heavy wool jackets.
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The war started and people began leaving. It was not safe to stay in London, because Hitler and the German army started bombing the city, so Elizabeth and Kate had to leave the city too. Elizabeth and Kate did not want to leave each other. They wanted to stay in London together.
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“ Kate?” asked Elizabeth,

“ Yes Elizabeth” replied Kate,

“ Do you want to leave London?” said Elizabeth,

“ No,” said Kate “ No I don’t.”

About a week later, it was time to say their goodbyes (they were not very good at it).  They did not want leave London because it was their home and they were determined to stay there.

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