Book Creator

Growth Mindset Journal

by Dana P.


Do I Have Grit??
(Grit Journal)
What have you realized about your own grit and effort?
- New ideas and projects sometimes distract me from old or previous projects
- Setbacks usually do not discourage me
- In the past, I have been super into a project, but quickly lost interest
- I do my best on my projects and I work hard
- Sometimes I set a goal but choose to change it
- I have a hard time maintaining focus on a project for more than a few months
- I like to finish whatever I start
- I am fairly diligent
Where do you show grit?
I feel like I show grit whenever I am doing something that I am passionate about. For example, when I’m dancing, I show grit. Even when the steps I’m learning are super hard, I still persist through it, and in the end I come out an even better dancer. Another example is when I am doing my school work. When it gets really complicated and my brain hurts, I still push through it and end up with a great product.
Notes On Grit:
-Fixed or growth mind set
-having a growth mindset helps open growth
-idea of success, if we think that we are going to win because we always win, that is almost as bad as having a fixed mindset
-you have to be thinking all the time how I grow
-hard work, commitment, preserve
-We fall to be able to pick ourselves back up
-listen to you fixed mindset voice, talk back with a growth mindset voice
-if you think “I can’t do it”, add yet to the end
-you have to learn from failure, and you cant do that if you have a fixed mindset
How could you use grit more?
As I mentioned on the page before, one of the things that I have a fixed mindset about is test taking. I don’t know if it’s the stress or the studying. But I just really do not like test taking (therefore making me have a fixed mindset). I think that I can apply grit when I don’t want to do a test. I could study more the night before, I could make better notes, I could compare notes with some of my classmates. All of the things I listed could and will make me A, have more grit, and B, come out with a better score on the test!