Book Creator

Disruption! California 2018

by Gilson


Disruption: When something comes in the change the norm of what was put there before.
Disruption is important to learn about because we’re learning all about technology, which has been a huge disruption, as well as places like the safari park and the USS midway, which have disrupted many things.
Thought Bubble
[record this soon]
California Day 1
Today consisted of plane rides, Torrey Pines, and iconic sunglasses
Replace this shape with your favourite picture that you took today!
Replace this text with a drawing of the either Torrey Pines or La Jolla Cove. Then, give your masterpiece a title!
Rounded Rectangle
“Sunshine Riptide” by Fall Out Boy
Add a sound here that describes how you felt eating my favourite food of all time: the sauce at Miguel’s. Get your partner to help you!
[drawing of dinner, insert here]
Rounded Rectangle
(Drawing of dinner)
California Day 2
Today consisted of Safari Parks, loosing sunglasses, and really good food.
Replace this shape with your favourite picture from the Safari Park.
A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance, which is very similar to a group of drag queens. Or a group of PLP boys. Or a group of PLP boys in drag.
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Add a picture from the balloon ride here.
The air ballon ride is important because it helps make money so they can fund the animals to have proper health care and helps fund the research towards endangered animals.
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Add a picture here of you and your classmates becoming one of the animals you saw. Be creative!