Book Creator

Progetto Etwinning

by Paola Gargiulo

Pages 2 and 3 of 105

Comic Panel 1
This ebook is meant to be the expression of a final collaborative work in which the union of the two different cultures is contextualised through the adventures of Demetrious, a noble Greek man who lived in Naples area for some time.
The story started by the Greek students has been resumed by the Italian students who have brought their imagination to life after finding information on Greek footprints in our area.
This activity had been planned to be carried out in synchrony by the two groups during the visit to our historical and archeological  sites but unfortunately due to the coronavirus lockdown it has been  done asynchronously.
The Italian students involved in the project have worked on it through remote classes.They have made up stories following the story- making strategy. They have learned to imagine, make and share stories as well as they have learned new descriptive words in order to describe  the way of living  at that time.
Taking inspiration from the material they have found on the internet they have enjoyed to organise the information to reconstruct the setting for Demetrious adventures.
Comic Panel 2
WRITERS: classes B & C of Gymnasio Mygdonias- Thessaloniki- Greece
Classes 1ALC & 1CTT with their teachers: Mrs A. Calo', Mrs L. Caccioppoli and Mrs P. Gargiulo