Book Creator

A Recipe for Lowering Anger & Moving Towards Calm

by Nicholas

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

Obstacle courses are a good workout for me and might be for you. They are fun to do, and they make me breathe deeply, which calms me down. I have gotten stronger both mentally and physically and maybe you will, too.
How to Make an Obstacle Course:

1. Grab a bunch of stuff like a yoga mat, a water bottle, and anything else that can be stacked on top of each other.
2. Place them on top of each other or side-by-side (see, that's why I told you that stacking on top of each other is so important)
3. Grab a bunch of friends (or do it yourself during COVID) and try to jump or hop to the finish without touching any of the obstacles.

Good Shapes For an Obstacle Course:
An egg chair is a chair that hangs and is shaped like an egg. It is extremely soothing for my nervous system because it swings around and makes a little sense of wind, which lowers my anger. It also rocks me and creates a cradle feeling.