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6th Class Memories - Class of 2020

by Edel O'Brien

Pages 4 and 5 of 37

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I remember on my first day of junior infants I sat beside Adam Mulkeen and we played fun games. Jason
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On my first day of school I was really excited, On the bus I sat beside my older brother. However when we went inside the classroom I became really scared because I didn't know anyone and I was sure that my brother would be in the same class as me! Norbert
First Day Lasting Friendships
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My first day in Bekan N.S. was very nerve-racking. I was scared because I was a little late but Miss Lyons was really welcoming and I felt better almost at once. Since I was late some of the children stared at me while others continued to play with their toys. While I was looking around I noticed this one little girl still looking at me so I went over to her. I sat down beside her and introduced myself. She told me that her name was Sara. We started playing with the dolls together and I knew instantly that I had met my best friend. Shahd
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