Book Creator

Worldview Collages: Museum Companion

by PLP 8 Cohort 2021 - 2021

Pages 6 and 7 of 54


Welcome to my collage! In this paragraph I will be explaining the reasoning behind each photo you see above and what it represents. I think I’ll start off by explaining the questionably drawn babies near the top of the collage. The baby with the pink background represents me, as I’d say my birth was a very important part of my life, without it, I wouldn’t have been able to experience anything else on this collage. Coming up next is the second baby with the blue background(there is also a picture of what he looks like next to the blue baby), that is my little brother Luciano. The photo of the blue baby represents his birth, another very important event in my life.
In the bottom left corner of my collage we have a photo of my stepdad, Rob. That photo of him represents when I met him for the first time at the age of five. I think that is an important part of my life because I’m sure if I didn’t meet him, he wouldn’t be my stepdad, because of that he has a big impact. Moving on to my next image, we have the top left photo of me with eyeliner on, to represent when I first figured out how to use eyeliner. (Unfortunately I did not provide a picture of me when I originally learned how to use eyeliner because I looked atrocious. So here is a more recent photo.) I think this is an important event in my life because without eyeliner, my face wouldn’t be as creatively interesting as it is now.
For the final photo in the bottom right corner we have a mask to represent Covid19. This was (and still is) an important part of my life because it is an event the entire world is currently living through.
To sum up everything I have stated so far, these are the core parts of my life I have chosen to represent in this collage. Hopefully this paragraph accurately describes them and their reasons for being here.