Book Creator

Active Play Sessions

by Care and Learning Alliance

Pages 6 and 7 of 13

About Active Play at WECC ..cont..
WECC practitioners are already noticing the difference in independence skills in the children by getting prepared for going to the session and also how the children are supporting each other and working things out together. We have particularly noticed the confidence and excitement to participate form a couple of children who in the past have found new situations challenging – Active Play has been instrumental in helping them with confidence and self-esteem to cope better with new situations and transitions in general.

Practitioners are also noting in children’s observations increased interactions in play and better use of imagination and creativity from some children in the way they approach their play.

Practitioners are also enjoying the new ideas form the social games at Active Play and are incorporating these back at the setting – adapting and extending on them, following the children’s interest.

Practitioners are also feeling more confident to utilise the many open green spaces around us on a daily bases and in response to children’s requests. This is helping staff to find innovative solutions to ensure children’s choice, right to play and access to high energy physical play opportunities are not impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.
The following are some photographs of our children emerged in their fun active and inclusive play during Active Play sessions.