Book Creator

Active Play Sessions

by Care and Learning Alliance

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

The adapted ELC version addressing some of the adverse effects of COVID-19 on children’s health, wellbeing and overall development such as:

- ELC’s and playparks being closed for 5 months - limiting children’s engagement play opportunities that support their vital physical literacy skills.

- All under 5’s groups – ballet/mini kickers etc closed.

- Lockdown for parents – working from home/shielding/no gardens/limited access to green space etc - If physical literacy skills are impeded during development – confidence/self-esteem to engage in active physical activities may be hampered which we know through research can increase health implications.

- Some restricted movement in our ELC’s due to necessary COVID measures there is limitations on what the children are accessing e.g. individual cohorts accessing the outdoor area limits children’s choice to be outside and amount of time possible

- Staff/parents perceptions of providing COVID-19 safe play may continue to limit opportunities
About Active Play at WECC
Children’s Rights are a priority for us here at WECC and are embedded in everything we do and the Active Play Programme. Children need to play. Play is recognised as a child’s fundamental right in Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The simple format of Active Play is quite simple but powerful. The children and WECC practitioners join the Active Play Practitioners for each session our one of our local open green spaces. The children love walking over there, meeting many local residents along the way, waving, chatting and telling them all about where they are going and what they are going to be doing!

The sessions are always outside no matter what the weather. Some days it has been chucking rain and the next we are in t-shirts, but as you can see from the photographs the weather is not a problem - properly suited and booted the children are having FUN, Active and Inclusive play. 
"What the children are “learning” through having fun and playing is incredible - numeracy, literacy, turn-taking, new physical literacy skills being developed and consolidated, communication and overall sense of wellbeing just by being outside in unrestricted space."