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eTwinning project "The wave"

by Valentina Corsini

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eTwinning project: Alexander-von-Humboldt-Schule, Germany & IIS Caterina Caniana, Italy

The Wave: the Pandemic experience

March 2021-May 2021
Welcome to an experiment of virtual class mobility!
This project is meant to allow teenagers of two different countries in Europe to share the experience of the Coronavirus Pandemic. We have involved some students of IIS Caterina Caniana in Italy and Von Humboldt School in Germany in a virtual mobility experience to exchange impressions about what has been happening to everybody's lives.
Students have been given reflection themes in the form of questions to guide them towards a better understanding of what has been happening and what can be done to feel better.
We have been focusing on the huge amount of positive energy that people living in different parts of the world have put together to face a common enemy: Coronavirus19. This remarkable collaboration allowed the scientists to find vaccines and to make advances that can be applied to the treatment of other severe diseases.
All in all, this wave didn’t submerge us completely, on the contrary it made us detect some reference points and values that we had been giving for granted. We are becoming resilient and maybe now we have the opportunity and the time to make a change.

Link to Twinspace

1. Schools involved: Alexander-von-Humboldt-Schule & IIS Caterina Caniana
2. Teachers: Giovanna Dolfi Hiltmann, Nerea Filippelli, Stefania Ubiali e Valentina Corsini
3. Teams of students
4. Organization of the working groups
5. Tasks:
5.1. How did the Covid19 affect your emotional life, the relationship with the people you love and your school life?
5.2 The Vaccine: how did you feel when the first vaccine was found? How do you think it will change our lives?
5.3. What has changed in your town or village?
5.4 Self assessment
6. Final reflections
7. Acknowledgments
1. Schools involved: Alexander-von-Humboldt-Schule & IIs Caterina Caniana
Alexader-Von-Humboldt-Schule, Rüsselsheim, Germany

About Alexander von Humboldt School:

Alexander Von Humboldt is a Comprehensive school, there are around 850 students of 11 to 16 years of age.
It’s an international schools: teachers and students come from 50 different countries (Italy, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Poland, The Czech Republic and so on)
There are 3 different diplomas to access different types of High schools: Professional education, Technical education, General education.
They also have the Internship in factories and studios

Alexander was a geographer, a naturalist and an explorer who described, drew, gave the name and classified many plants and in Latin America. In particular, he discovered the Climatic zones.
I.I.S Caterina Caniana Polo della grafica e della Moda, Bergamo, Italy