Book Creator

Economy in the Middle Ages 1

by Suzana Jagić

Pages 2 and 3 of 29

Economy in the Middle Ages 1
OŠ Ivana Kukuljevića Sakcinskog, Ivanec, Croatia
Following the example of painted breviaries, 6th grade students made a presentation of medieval chores through the twelve months of the year. They complemented the images with a short description.
Outcomes - the student will be able to:
-       analyze historical sources
-       explain what a breviary is
-       describe the economy of the Middle Ages with an emphasis on the area of their homeland - the use of renewable energy sources of water from the Middle Ages to the present 💦💦💦
The Breviary in the Catholic Church is a prescribed book of daily prayers for the clergy and monks. Medieval manuscripted breviaries have a palaeographic and artistic value because they are illuminated by miniatures. 
The picture shows the month of January in which only gifts and thanks are given. It is a dinner attended by the duke and his vassals. At the beginning of the year, the vassals gifted their senior thanking him for his protection and their safety.
Sara, 6. d
I drew the month of February. In this drawing I have shown the hardships of the peasants' life in the winter.
Paola, 6. b