Book Creator

Alberta’s Economy And How It’s Shaped Us.

by Field Study 1

Pages 2 and 3 of 42

This will be your cover. It should include a graphic(s), your name, and a title relating to the answer to the driving question.
This is where you will help your reader understand 'what is geography' one of your keystone evidence that helps you explain your answer the driving question.

You will include your Comic Life in this section and it will probably cover a page to 3 pages depending on how you lay it out with explanation.
What are Regions?
There are 3 types of regions, formal regions, functional regions, and vernacular regions.
A formal region is a place that has been established by the government. Some examples would be countries, city’s, provinces etc. A functional region is an area defined by a particular function like a bus route. Lastly a vernacular region is a place that has been formed from peoples perceptions and similar properties.
What is human
environment interaction?
Human environment interaction can be seen as how humans and the environment affect and interconnect with each other. We adapt to the environment to suit our needs, like creating bridges, clothing, cars etc. As well as also modifying it by making housing, clear ing land/agriculture and dams. We depend on the environment to keep providing us accommodations to live on and to keep producing food and water.
What is place?
Every place has different physical characteristics like mountains, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna, resources and even the climate. This helps differentiate places from each other. Also, there are cultural characteristics like the way people live in a specific area. Some examples are the way the land has been used, every day life, religions etc.
What is movement?
Movement is the travel of people, ideas, and goods from one location to another! People can move by cars, running, waking etc. Goods can move by shipping things in trucks boats and trains like the CPR. Ideas can be moved by word of mouth, letters, texting, newspapers etc.
What is location?
There are two types of location, relative and absolute. Relative location is the general area you are in that can be described by landmarks and other familiar places to reference off of. On the other absolute location is address, coordinates, the exact place you are at.