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Bardenas Reales

by Grupo

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

some of the abiotic factors that helped to create the Bardenas Reales are:
the rocks:
mostly the bradenas reales are made out of sedimentary rock

the relief:
some of the most important geological fatures are:
the Plano, a big plateau that surpasses the cuote of 500 m.a.l.s, it's protected by a petrocalcium wall that avoid him to erosionate; the Plana of the Negra. there are also some witness hills, formed by the erosion of some oberlapping plateaus, like the Rayón.

the climate:
the climate of the Bardenas Reales is a continental-mediterraneum climate

geografical siruation:
the Bardenas Reales are situated in the south-east of navarre. It makes barrer with thirteen municipalities of navarre, among which are, Carcasillo, Tudela and Valtierra. it has a surface of 41.845 hecatres.
Biotic factors include:
The flora:
The flora of the Bardenas Reales is of steppe and Mediterranean character. some of the plants found in the different sectors of the desert are:
in the white bardena: the coscoja and the escambrón
in the black bardena: pino carrasco, the sabina negral
The fauna:the fauna of the royal bardenas is diverse. Being able to find species classifiable as:
snails: the white snail (iberus gualtieranus alonensis)
crabs: the signal crab (Pacifastacus leniusculus)
 arachnids: the wolf spider (lycosidae)
reptiles: ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus); long-tailed lizard
(Psammodromus algirus); bastard snake (Malpolon) monspessulanus)
and the snout viper (Vipera latasti)
felines: the wild cat (felis silvestris)
raptors: allimoche (Neophron percnopterus)
steppe: the sison (Tetrax tetrax)
long-tailed lizard

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