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Bardenas Reales

by Grupo

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Bardenas Reales
How were the bardenas formed?
First the Terrace of the Aragón River was embedded, then the upper glacis was eroded and it was embedded with the lower glacis, later the alluvial sedimentation of La Blanca passed and then the current erosion caused the formation of the bardenas.

What evidence is there of this?
Because they have a type of rock that was formed in the Miocene lakes. Formed by the precipitation of salts dissolved in water. This type of rock is usually formed in arid conditions. … In the royal bardenas they are between 21 and 15 million years old and 700 meters thick.

What endokarst forms can be found?
In the bardenas there are some endokarstic forms but not such as stalactites and stalagmites because there is no water or calcium carbonate for them to form over time, since for some endokarstic form to form, some water would have to be filtered through the fissures. from the rocks and also there are some endokarstics forms like the the chimneys that form above some mountains.

What other important geological formations are there in the area?
In the bardenas there are rocks that were formed in the Miocene lakes, also in the bardenas there are plains, caves, mountains, etc.
What effect is the current climate having on the area?
Temperatures in this area can currently reach 40ºC and in summer up to 5ºC below zero.

What kinds of rocks predominate in the soil? Indicate its importance
The types of hardness rocks that predominate in this area are limestone, sandstone or conglomerates, in which soft materials such as marl, clay, silt and gypsum also predominate.

What effect does humans have on the ecosystem?
In general, human beings can contribute to the recovery of the planet's ecosystems and natural environment by carrying out the following actions: Reduce the emission of toxic gases from vehicles, factories, heating systems, etc. Purify wastewater.
some of the abiotic factors that helped to create the Bardenas Reales are:
the rocks:
mostly the bradenas reales are made out of sedimentary rock

the relief:
some of the most important geological fatures are:
the Plano, a big plateau that surpasses the cuote of 500 m.a.l.s, it's protected by a petrocalcium wall that avoid him to erosionate; the Plana of the Negra. there are also some witness hills, formed by the erosion of some oberlapping plateaus, like the Rayón.

the climate:
the climate of the Bardenas Reales is a continental-mediterraneum climate

geografical siruation:
the Bardenas Reales are situated in the south-east of navarre. It makes barrer with thirteen municipalities of navarre, among which are, Carcasillo, Tudela and Valtierra. it has a surface of 41.845 hecatres.
Biotic factors include:
The flora:
The flora of the Bardenas Reales is of steppe and Mediterranean character. some of the plants found in the different sectors of the desert are:
in the white bardena: the coscoja and the escambrón
in the black bardena: pino carrasco, the sabina negral
The fauna:the fauna of the royal bardenas is diverse. Being able to find species classifiable as:
snails: the white snail (iberus gualtieranus alonensis)
crabs: the signal crab (Pacifastacus leniusculus)
 arachnids: the wolf spider (lycosidae)
reptiles: ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus); long-tailed lizard
(Psammodromus algirus); bastard snake (Malpolon) monspessulanus)
and the snout viper (Vipera latasti)
felines: the wild cat (felis silvestris)
raptors: allimoche (Neophron percnopterus)
steppe: the sison (Tetrax tetrax)
long-tailed lizard