Book Creator

Bacteria, Viruses and Antibiotics

by Jonatan Siliezar Gonzalez

Pages 4 and 5 of 15

Bacteria vocabulary words
1.Bacilli- Rod shaped bacteria 
2.Cocci- Sphere-shaped bacteria
3.Eubacteria- Bacteria that live everywhere 
4.Heterotroph- A organism that can’t make its own food
5.Disinfectint- A chemical used on surfaces 
Bacteria are microscopic little things. They live in soil in the ocean and in our body! Bacteria can help us digest our food when our body can’t. It can also help you fight off the bad bacteria. Bacteria is made up of one single cell. Bacteria come in different shapes and sizes for example rods, spheres, and circles. And the only time we should be worried about bacteria is when there is a super bug inside you because antibiotics don’t work on super bugs and they get you really sick, and you can die from super bugs. Good bacteria is a type of living thing that lives in your body and protects you from specific bad bacteria that can be killed by good bacteria . One name of good bacteria is Lactobacillus. Another example of good bacteria is in your digestive system and the good bacteria in your digestive system actually help you digest food better. Bad bacteria is the opposite of good bacteria. Bad bacteria wants to harm your body in many different ways. For example, bad bacteria can give you infection, and salmonella too. A super bug is a bad bacteria that has evolved from a little basic bacteria to a bacteria that even antibiotics can’t kill. For example the way super bugs are basically immune to antibiotics is because super bugs spit out the antibiotic and don’t get harmed in the process. One fact I found amazing was that bacteria can pass on their DNA before they are about to die. One scary fact I found is that super bugs kill over 2.2 million people. One question I have is what do bacteria need to stay alive.