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Bacteria, Viruses and Antibiotics

by Jonatan Siliezar Gonzalez

Pages 6 and 7 of 15

Newsela article-What are antibodies?

Two things I found interesting were that your immune system can assemble an army to protect you from germs. The second thing I found interesting was that your immune system has these things called antibodies and their job is to attack the proteins in your body that don’t belong there. Two important facts I learned about the article were that when an antibody spots an antigen the antigen attaches itself to an antibody. Then that alerts the immune system which causes the immune system to send IgE antibodies, IgA antibodies, and IgG antibodies. All of their job is to help fight off the antigens. But except for IgE. IgE is supposed to alert the immune system which then goes into “turbo mode” which causes you to get runny noses and make your skin itch. One main idea I learned was that IgE, IgA, and IgG all help do something to protect your body.
Amplify Article-Bacteria Salmonella 
One thing I found interesting was that Salmonella can go to your blood and can cause you to have severe disease or even death. Another thing I found interesting was that if you don’t have enough bacteria in your gut the salmonella can reproduce and if your gut has a lot of bacteria the salmonella can’t reproduce which causes salmonella to do nothing to you. One important fact I learned is that food poisoning isn’t actually caused by poison. It is caused by bacteria or salmonella that is found in chicken or other animals. The next important fact I learned about is that one way not to get salmonella is to cook the food properly then instead of eating your food raw and getting salmonella.