Book Creator

Favorite Dishes - Gnocchi

by RSE Erasmus+

Pages 2 and 3 of 45

Gnocchi carbonara
Spaghetti / Gnocchi carbonara (Easy and fast)

Ingredients ( 4 servings ):
500 g spaghetti / 500-800 g gnocchi
200 g (single) cream
Some milk or one egg (optional)
100 g soft cheese
70-100 Emmental cheese, grated
200 g ham
Ground black pepper , a pinch of nutmeg, salt
boil the spaghetti or gnocchi according to packet instruction
While cooking the pasta, cut the ham in small cubes or stripes
Heat the (single) cream in a pan at middle temperature and stir permanently with an egg whisk
Add the soft cheese to the cream and stir constantly till the cheese is melted
Then put the ham into the sauce . ( add one egg if you want to thicken the sauce .)
Season the taste with black pepper , a pinch of nutmeg and some salt
At last, fold in the boiled gnocchi and keep warm for about 20-30 minutes . If you eat the sauce with spaghettis , you needn't wait and can start eating immediately
Serve with grated Parmesan cheese or Emmental cheese .
Gnocchi in Käse - Sahne - Soße Schnell gemacht Zutaten für 2 Portionen: 400g Gnocchi aus dem Kühlregal Salzwasser 200g Sahne 150g Schmelzkäse 200g Kochschinken Arbeitszeit: ca. 10 min. Schwierigkeitsgrad: simple Kalorien: keine Angabe