Book Creator

A New Life

by Lily Bezerra Munoz

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

Then they got on the ship and went”. “My Tears went down my face.” “They had lots of fun on the ship but the one who was the saddest was Mila she had lived there for 11 years and she did not notice, tia, came and said” “sadness flies away like the time that means that by some time your sadness will be still there deep inside but you still can't feel it, and trust me you will like new things,”.


“After 2 weeks and one day, they got to Brazil.”
“They noticed that uncle had bought a house and then they went to the house and they noticed the house was empty, and tia was surprised when he got back home and then said: “Hello I missed you guys so much!” “the beds are coming in a while” “you bought a beds! Thank you so much” “ exclamed Mila while hugging tio, then they heard a knock on the door and it was the man of the beds then he said something in Portuguese, he was talking to my uncle and then he said” sim meaning yes “why is the bed so big?” , Mila asked “It is a bunk bed,”, “ tio whispered then tio said” “ I have a surprise for you!” “then he took out 4 big boxes and guess what was inside? A full box of chocolate!” “Toma - take this is a full box of chocolate each one of you all,” said tio. “Now let's prepare for school tomorrow!” “said tia they to sleep uncle put then a white blanket on top of the cushion and then they went to sleep”.