Book Creator

A New Life

by Lily Bezerra Munoz

Pages 2 and 3 of 9


Bye Mila

“It will be alright”, “I remember my tio - uncle saying it one day.” While we were rafting in the Guru River it was surrounded by green trees, with red apples, and with clear water. The sound of the river going so fast, the water hitting the rocks, making the splashing sound.    Mila was distracted hugging auntie and then I screamed” “A rock!” “Una roca!” auntie said Mila pushed with her strong arms and pushed the boat towards an empty space that there were no rocks “Whew we are are safe”, Mila said, “let's go back home,” tia-aunt said.
“I have to leave guys” “I’ll be back in a few years,” tio said that today and when I saw Mila tears went down her face. Everyone's face was up and now her chin went down and her eyes were filled with water it looked like there was a lake in her eyes. When he got to the ship he sat down and wiped his tears and said goodbye and in a few days, he was in Brazil. And tia was so worried and then I said “Tia it is going to be all right he is going to find a job and you can live there. After that, we went to tio’s house and then tia’s cried of sadness “He is gone!” her chin went down, her eyes closed filled with sadness “I will miss him!” said tia whispering. Then she went to Abuelo - Grandpa  and said “ And after it is our turn to go and we are going to miss you” “Me too!” Abuelo said.
“We stayed for some time. After a while, tia said,” “ we have to go back home to prepare our suitcases full of clothes to go to the boat this night and we need to take some food!”. “We went back home and prepared everything to go.”

“When they were walking away, to go to the boat, Mila waved me goodbye and said” “ I am going to miss you!” “Mila stopped and said” “let's be thankful that we are leaving Spain and have all our memories of Spain in our minds” “she stopped and then I saw one tear going down her face then she nealed down and started” “ May we be grateful of what we have, that papa is doing this for us, we are going to be ready to have a new life! In Brazil and we are going to enjoy it!” “you are totally right we will enjoy it!” “said tia then they got close to the boat and then looked back and waved at me” “bye” shouted Mila “we will miss you!” “Adiós - bye !”.
My prima