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Lewis and Clark remake.

by Landon Blakey

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August 17th, 1805. 
Captain and vice-captain Henry Jefferson and Flick Jones have now taken us with their dauntless spirit up to the Rocky Mountains with the tough terrain bruising our feet to the utmost looking for another waterway. By the middle of the day, we found ourselves finally finding another path to the Pacific Ocean. Mosquitoes, bears, and snakes have played us like fools. One of our men digging the latrines was attacked by a wild bear killing him. The other men were able to escape the bear luckily being 100 yards away when it attacked Hillary. We are already daunted on a dark time reaching the Rockies only for the first day. We set out on the open river hoping for better luck as we challenge the Rockies to a vicious battle of survival. 
 The night dawned on August 17th, 1805 as we encountered a wild group of Native Americans. Luckily for us, they are kind, and we're willing to trade twenty pounds of fish for a couple of guns and bullets. We have finally struck luck on the Rockies now we must head further towards the coveted Pacific Ocean. Depression is currently sweeping through like wildfire everyone is at their breaking points. It doesn’t mean the back-breaking work is stopping. We have a goal and we must reach it.  

Landon, Blakey.

September 16th, 1805. 
We have reached the Pacific Ocean finally through our own struggles and dedication. We have just established a fort named Fort Clatsop. We still must go back home, a struggling thing and a pain indeed for the fact we have just finished our journey to the pacific now we have to struggle on back home. We celebrate with a feast for a king to end the first half of our journey. Meat, corn, maize, and fruit we have it all to celebrate this historic event. With our journey back we set ourselves in history just like Columbus before us.  
We have just encountered some troubling Indians. They won’t bargain with our trades, and the materials that they want we either have none or a small amount of. If we don’t try to end this argument soon we could run out of some specific supplies. They are odd Indians who rely entirely on the ocean along with them being troublesome to trade with. We are going to try and trade currently the captain is negotiating. Hopefully, he will be triumphant in this persuasion.   

Landon, Blakey.

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