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Lewis and Clark remake.

by Landon Blakey

Pages 4 and 5 of 5

January 3rd, 1806. 
Winter has truly dawned on us at the current moment. Everyone is freezing to death. We have to huddle close together to keep even some type of warmth. The time is dawning when the members our at suicide comprehension with themselves. Captain Henry told us to stay strong. We made it this far, what is a little more going to do to us daunting fella? That slightly reinvigorated our spirit just enough to keep us going along on this challenging journey. Weather is turning from hail to snow to hail to snow. We are still going, but barely we’ve almost finished the journey we have to get to the final stretch. 
To our luck with god, we encountered some Shoshone Indians as we finished crossing the Rocky mountains for the second time they gave us food and blanks not covered in snow and thicker. The morale is at an all-time high now we set ablaze these rivers back home. We are making 20 miles daily every day at this rate we will get home in a matter of months. We sing and eat together as we go home to the land we were born in. Sadly a few days ago we lost Shuan to barracudas, but we will remember him telling his family about his brave triumphs before he passed. We are about three-quarters of the way done with our journey, and we can make the final fourth. 

Landon, Blakey.

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