Book Creator

Mrs. Cooper

by Darinka Cooper

Pages 6 and 7 of 13


II. Classroom Structure
             Each student will have a daily schedule Monday through Thursday. Points will be given for working hard and for following classroom rules. Earned points can be used to spin in order to obtain a prize. Awards will be given to students when they reach their IEP and class goals.
Classroom Rules
                                                                     1. Do what the teacher says.
                                                                     2. Raise your hand to talk.
                                                                     3. Stay in your seat.
                                                                     4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
                                                                     5. Walk quietly to and from Lab on time.
III.  Homework
            It is very important that the students spend time reading at their level or being read to outside of school. Students should also study their spelling and sight words at home. Students should use TouchPoints when solving math problems.

             Thank you for your support. I am looking forward to a good year with your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call, email, or drop in.

Special Education Teacher
Mrs. Darinka Cooper
Phone Extension 17484                                         

II. Classroom Structure
             Each student will have a daily schedule Monday through Thursday. Points will be given for working hard and for following classroom rules. Earned points can be used to spin in order to obtain a prize. Awards will be given to students when they reach their IEP and class goals.
Classroom Rules
                                                                     1. Do what the teacher says.
                                                                     2. Raise your hand to talk.
                                                                     3. Stay in your seat.
                                                                     4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
                                                                     5. Walk quietly to and from Lab on time.
III.  Homework
            It is very important that the students spend time reading at their level or being read to outside of school. Students should also study their spelling and sight words at home. Students should use TouchPoints when solving math problems.

             Thank you for your support. I am looking forward to a good year with your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call, email, or drop in.

Special Education Teacher
Mrs. Darinka Cooper
Phone Extension 17484                                         

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