Book Creator

Grade 5- Science PYP- 2022-23 (Rishaan)

by Rishaan SinghNavanand

Pages 6 and 7 of 16

Activity - 2 My Rainbow TUNING - IN
- What did I do?
- My Rainbow is an activity where we can see the white light scatters and divides into the 7 seven colors of the Rainbow. To do this activity, we have to take a bowl and fill it with some space left at the top then take a hand mirror. Place half the mirror in the water and the other half of it outside of the water. Take a torch at the part of the mirror in the water at such an angle that the light falling on the part of the mirror under the water shines on the part of the mirror out of the water, so we can see a rainbow on the surface where the light that reflects from the part of the mirror outside the water.

- How does it work?
- Light travels always travels in a straight line but when it travels from one medium to another it bends. When light bends it scatters into the 7 colors of the Rainbow.

- Conclusion
- This shows how we can make a Rainbow at home.
Activity - 3 Rectilinear Propagation of light
- What did I do?

- Rectilinear propagation is an activity where we can understand how light travels. To do this activity we have to cut out 4 medium-sized, 4 small squared, and 3 small rectangular cardboard pieces. Then we glue all the small square pieces with the 3 rectangular pieces in the middle. This allows us to take 2 cardboard pieces and cut holes in the so we can place 1 in between one side of the rectangular box and one side of a square box, the other in between the other side of the Rectangular box, and one side of the other square box. Then we put the last medium-sized cardboard piece at the end as the target for the light to reach. Now when we shine a torch light through the front hole it should show the light travel through the second hole too, and hit the target.

- How does it work?

- When light travels through the holes it proves that light doesn't bend.

- Conclusion

- When the light shines through the holes and hits the target it shows that light travels in a straight line.