Book Creator

Adopt an endangered animal

by Nora Unanue San Sebastian

Pages 4 and 5 of 23



The Cacomuto is a Vertebrate animal. It is the only “malviparus” that lays eggs. They are critically endangered because, the earthquake destroyed the habitat and the climate change because it isn’t sun and they don’t change their color. If they are too much at sun, they change here color. 

They have a long and bushy tail, they have a lot of hair in the body. Their ears are big and they eyes too. They have short hands and feets. 
They are “ carewerryvore ” so they eat insects, grass, lettuce and stawberryes. When they are pregnant they eat so much strawberries!!! 

They are from the land of Japan. They life at the grassland in the japanese trees, but in the winter when they cold they go to the clouds with their tail. 

They are Malviviparous so they lay eggs and drink mothers milk. They make eggs whit the strawberries they can create fiven eggs more or less. 

The Cacomuto haves so much curiosities because it is a special animal, for example: 

-If they are to much at the sun they change their color and they eyes too. 
-They are the only Malviparous of the world. 
-There eggs haves a square shape and they make with strawberries. 
-They are so good friends. 