Books Middle Schoolers Love to Read

by Jennifer Mitchell

Pages 4 and 5 of 83

Isabel is a Cuban girl in 1994. She lived in Cuba With their best friend Ivan. With riots and unrest plaguing her country, she and her family set out on a raft, hoping to find safety in America. Then, her best friend died because he fell into the water on the raft and he was eaten by sharks. They didn't know what to do with Isabel's friend (Ivan) so they shot a shark and dropped Ivan into the water, forever. While they are trying to reach America, the big tanker and storm sent them off their track to America. So, they ended up in the Bahamas which they thought was Miami, Florida.
In the beginning, Mahmoud is one of the few not bothered that much. But than their home was bombed because of a group of terrorists, also known as Isis. One of Mahmoud's best friend got killed by a bombing because of the Isis group. They fled and paid for a boat. It didn't come until weeks. When it came it was a very very small raft and there must have been 30 people on it. They crashed and Mahmoud and his family let another family take his baby sister so she would live. They get rescued and eventually get a home with a family who takes them under their wing.