The Key of B

by Caleb Richards

Pages 2 and 3 of 65

On Sally the Sixteenth Note's first day of school, she felt very scared. She was a D# and was very worried she wouldn't fit in.
On Sally the Sixteenth Note's first day of school, she felt very scared. She was a D# and was very worried she wouldn't fit in.
But Sally's teacher, Mrs. Brazowski the Bb told her not to worry. She said, "no matter what kind of note you are, you can make a song."
But Sally's teacher, Mrs. Brazowski the Bb told her not to worry. She said, "no matter what kind of note you are, you can make a song."
Sally was afraid because she thought she was too little to make a song, but then Sally remembered that all she would need was other notes.
So Sally went to the playground determined to make friends with other notes.