The Story of Valentine's Day

by @SS_Samurai

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The Legend of St. Valentine
One legend says Valentine was Roman priest who lived in the 3rd Century, CE. At the time, Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage for young men, believing that single men made better soldiers and were more likely to go to war than married men. Valentine continued to marry young couples in secret but was discovered, tortured, and executed by Claudius. This account says Valentine did the priestly act of falling in love with the jailor’s daughter and wrote her a message before his death, signing it “From your Valentine”. This was the Saint Valentine of Rome, martyred on February 14 in 269 CE, and the Valentine associated with the ‘holiday’. 
Image: Saint Valentine of Terni oversees the construction of his basilica at Terni, from a 14th-century French manuscript (BN, Mss fr. 185). Public Domain.
The Story of Valentine's Day
The Legend of St. Valentine
Another legend says that Valentine was under house arrest of Judge Asterius, discussing his faith with him. As he dangerously preached to the judge he was challenged to perform a miracle. He had apparently healed his daughter’s blindness, prompting the family and servants to convert to Christianity. His act of kindness and the miracle was discovered by Emperor Claudius II, still the leader of a pagan society, and thus was tortured and beheaded. Before his death it said he sent a letter to the judge’s daughter and signed it “from your Valentine”. There is a similar story in which a bishop was called to pray for the son of a scholar or orator named Craton, who kept a school and housed visiting Greek scholars. His son could not speak or straighten his body. A miracle was worked and the family converted to Christianity. Similarly to the other account, Claudius saw this as a threat with the bishop being beheaded by Claudius. (apparently all of the newly converted Christians were put to death) 
Did you know? You can celebrate Valentine’s Day several times a year. For example, the Eastern Orthodox Church officially celebrates St. Valentine twice, once as an elder of the church on July 6 and once as a martyr on July 30. And there are more! (
The Story of Valentine's Day