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The Story of Valentine's Day

by @SS_Samurai

Pages 6 and 7 of 20

St. Valentine of Terni
Some say the real Saint Valentine was Saint Valentine of Terni, Italy, a bishop. He was also beheaded by Claudius. Regardless of who the real Valentine was, he was sympathetic to others, heroic, and a hopeless romantic. By the Middle Ages, Valentine became one of the most popular saints in England and France. The problem with the stories is that two of them are so similar that they aren’t likely to be true. (an imprisoned priest or bishop that healed the captor’s daughter, was beheaded, and buried along a highway) The accounts given, likely starting in 500 CE, make no mention of love. The fact that promoting love and lovers is not exactly compatible with Christian doctrine, it is dubious that the Catholic Church wanted such a holiday. 
The Story of Valentine's Day
Image: Saint Valentine of Terni oversees the construction of his basilica at Terni, from a 14th-century French manuscript (BN, Mss fr. 185). Public Domain.
St. Valentine of Terni
There are other stories of a Valentine saving prisoners from harsh Roman prisons, and perhaps as many as 30 “Valentines” and a couple “Valentinas”. Historians believe that the different accounts were likely of the same person, if any of the stories have a shred of truth.
The Story of Valentine's Day
Image: St Valentine baptizing St Lucilla, Jacopo Bassano. 1500s. Public Domain.