A new book

by Carmine Frantellizzi


Table of contents
Intro to soccer pg.4

Equipment pg.5

History pg.6

Fields pg.7

Players pg.8

Rules pg.9

Positions pg.10
Table of contents
Intro to soccer pg.4

Equipment pg.5

History pg.6

Fields pg.7

Players pg.8

Rules pg.9

Positions pg.10
Introduction to soccer,
In soccer there are 2 goals that the goal keeper has to protect from the opposing team trying to score a goal. there is also 22 players on the field at once, your team and the opposing team have 11 players on the field at once. were you can play, you can play at a park or at your house with small goals. The object of the game, the object of the game is to protect your goal with the goal keeper and try to make goals. A match consists of two 45 minutes halves with a 15 minute rest period in between.
The equipment you will need if you are playing in a league is a soccer ball, shin guards, soccer socks, and soccer cleats. You will need shin guards because they will protect your shin from other players kicking or hitting it.
The history of soccer, records trace back 2,000 years ago in China, Greece, Rome, and parts of Central America also claim to have started the sport but it was England that transitioned soccer, or what the British and many other people around the world call football, into the game we know today.
Fields in soccer are different every time, there could be small fields or there could be large fields a field could have hills or could be a nice flat field.