Dive Into Enquiry Microbook

by Trevor MacKenzie

Pages 6 and 7 of 53

Inquiry is the dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlements and coming to know and understand the world.
 —Alberta Focus on Inquiry, 2004
Inquiry-based learning is a process where students are involved in their learning, create essential questions, investigate widely, and then build new understandings, meanings, and knowledge. That knowledge is new to the students and may be used to answer their essential question, to develop a solution, or to support a position or point of view. The knowledge is usually presented to others in some sort of a public manner and may result in some sort of action.
 —Alberta Focus on Inquiry, 2004
Types of Student Inquiry is a scaffolded approach to inquiry in the classroom, one that gradually increases student agency over learning whilst providing learners with the necessary skills, knowledge, and understanding to be successful in their inquiry.
 —Trevor MacKenzie