Dive Into Enquiry Microbook

by Trevor MacKenzie

Pages 4 and 5 of 53

Hear from the author
Want to make learning more meaningful in your classroom? Looking to better prepare your students for the world of tomorrow? Keen to help learners create authentic connections to the world around them?
ith Dive into Inquiry you’ll gain an understanding of how to best support
your learners as they shift from a traditional learning model into the inquiry classroom where student agency is fostered and celebrated each and every day. This book strikes a perfect balance of meaningful pedagogy, touching narrative, helpful processes, original student examples, and rich how-to lesson plans all to get you going on bringing inquiry into your classroom.
Hear from the author
After reading this book educators will feel equipped to design their own inquiry units in a scaffolded manner that promote a gradual shift of control of learning from the teacher to the learner. Exploring student passions, curiosities, and interests and having these shape essential questions, units of study, and performance tasks are all covered in this powerful book. Learn to keep track of the many inquiry topics in your classroom and have students take ownership over their learning like never before!
What is a Microbook?
Microbooks pick up on the idea of microlearning, a concept that's revolutionizing education by offering short bursts of learning that can initiate exposure, interaction, knowledge construction and reflection for teachers.

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Inquiry is the dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlements and coming to know and understand the world.
 —Alberta Focus on Inquiry, 2004
Inquiry-based learning is a process where students are involved in their learning, create essential questions, investigate widely, and then build new understandings, meanings, and knowledge. That knowledge is new to the students and may be used to answer their essential question, to develop a solution, or to support a position or point of view. The knowledge is usually presented to others in some sort of a public manner and may result in some sort of action.
 —Alberta Focus on Inquiry, 2004
Types of Student Inquiry is a scaffolded approach to inquiry in the classroom, one that gradually increases student agency over learning whilst providing learners with the necessary skills, knowledge, and understanding to be successful in their inquiry.
 —Trevor MacKenzie
Sample chapter
Creating the Authentic Piece
erhaps the most meaningful step for students in the Free Inquiry process is
creating something to reflect their understanding of their essential question. I love this time.

If scaffolded properly using the Types of Student Inquiry, the tenets of Understanding by Design, and a strongly structured and supported Free Inquiry unit, students’ authentic pieces inspire and resonate.
I keep them for years and share them with students preparing for their own Free Inquiry unit, colleagues considering initiating an inquiry process in their own classroom, on social media, and with my Personal Learning Network (“PLN”) on Twitter, or at workshops and conferences across the continent.
Authentic pieces inspire and resonate. I keep them for years and share them often.
Authentic pieces begin with students genuinely deciding how they want to demonstrate their understanding. I ask them, “If you could demonstrate your understanding in any way, what would it be? Are you really good at something you feel would help communicate your understanding of your essential question?” Inevitably, these questions lead students to consider authentic pieces to simultaneously reflect their learning and engage an audience.
I always ask students to connect their authentic piece to the learning standards of our course. Their piece must summarise their learning and reflect, to an extent, the must-know content our course demands. In my English classes, this can look like a personal narrative essay. In science classes, it might look like following the scientific method. In social studies classes, it can be an essential question explored through a specific time period or historical event. In math classes, it can look like mathematical problem solving, strategies, and equations from the course curriculum.

Regardless of what students design for their authentic piece, they must abide by these criteria. I assess this requirement is met during the one-on-one meeting I have with each student when I review their proposal and look for evidence that their authentic piece fits into the learning objectives of the course.

When I have seen inquiry fall short, it’s due, in part, to the gap between the voice and choice provided to students and the course curriculum