Book Creator

So you want to become a Google Certified Trainer

by Daren White ET (@Rangathetrainer)

Pages 8 and 9 of 85

Comic Panel 1
Your application
So now you have enough trainings and feedback complete, you should begin your written application.

This is your chance to shine, to celebrate what you have done to progress the use of technology in the classroom and beyond. Talk about impact, numbers of people trained, changes in whole school approaches, colleagues who have also achieved Level 1 or 2 as a result of your work, basically anything that seems relevant.

If you have been training staff, you will have no shortage of things to talk about. Don't be shy, respect and reflect on what you have achieved already!

Here is a link to the FAQs on the Teacher Centre
It is vital that the trainings included in your application (aim for at least 5 to be included) should be recent (within the last year) and you will be asked to provide links to resources you have used such as slides decks, templates or google forms. Make sure when you add these links, they are in a viewable format "anyone with the link can view" or your application will be rejected. In fact, that's the most common reason for rejected applications.

You will need to upload your feedback files, your Level 1, Level 2 and Trainer Skills Assessment certificates (not the badges) and make sure you reference any externally sourced materials used so the reviewing panel can determine your resources from those of others.

Just remember, not all of your trainings need to be delivered to 5+ people but at least 1 should. Trainings can be face to face or virtual.
Comic Panel 3
Your feedback
When gathering feedback from your initial trainings, keep it simple but qualitative. Gather information such as names and email addresses first but then I would suggest using scaled questions such as:
"How would you rate the quality of this training?" (make sure you clarify the scale)
"What was the best thing about the training?"
"How could this training be improved?"

I also like to ask
"What is one thing you are going to follow up with or try as a result of today's training?" and then I use FormMule add-on to send this to the respondent as a reminder of what they have committed to.
Comic Panel 2
Your case study
It is vital that the trainings included in your application (aim for at least 5 to be included) should be recent (within the last year) and you will be asked to provide links to resources you have used such as slides decks, templates or google forms. Make sure when you add these links, they are in a viewable format "anyone with the link can view" or your application will be rejected. In fact, that's the most common reason for rejected applications.

You will need to upload your feedback files, your Level 1, Level 2 and Trainer Skills Assessment certificates (not the badges) and make sure you reference any externally sourced materials used so the reviewing panel can determine your resources from those of others.

Just remember, not all of your trainings need to be delivered to 5+ people but at least 1 should. Trainings can be face to face or virtual.
Comic Panel 4
Your potential reach
Also, think about your potential reach in terms of training. How many staff in your organisation? Are there other schools nearby that you could support? Could you provide training within your LA or Trust? Could you provide training on a private basis?

For example, at Academies Enterprise Trust, we have a team of InnovAETors who are the edtech champions in each school. We work together, hold regular events and support schools in the trust and beyond with meeting training needs.

All of this will have an effect on the impact of your training and your growing reputation.