Book Creator

So you want to become a Google Certified Trainer

by Daren White ET (@Rangathetrainer)

Pages 6 and 7 of 85

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Trainer Skills Assessment
Once you have your Level 1 and Level 2 Google Certified Educator certifications, you can begin your Google Certified Trainer Application.

First of all, there is the Certified Trainer course which will teach you everything you need to know.

A fundamental part of this application process is that you must complete and pass the Trainer Skills Assessment. To do this, you must create an account or login to the webassessor platform.

This is again, an online assessment focusing on the key aspects important to successful trainers. Much of the content is similar to Level 2 but you have added content to be aware of including privacy rules and accreditations such as FERPA and COPPA in the US and GDPR in the UK.
Google for Education Trainer Program
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Your first trainings
In order to complete your Trainer application you will need to have conducted a certain amount of training already. This could be with staff in your school or elsewhere but you will need to draw on these experiences as part of your written application as well as reflecting on how impactful the training was and how you might improve it.

In order to do this, it's important to gather feedback from any training sessions that you run and ideally, you would want these sessions to include a minimum of 5 trainees.

Later on we'll look at what sort of feedback to gather but of course, how you gather it is about walking the walk, so use a google form and make life easy on you and your trainees.

At this point in time you cannot claim to be a Google Trainer but as a Certified Educator Level 2, you will have plenty of knowledge to impart on your audience that will revolutionise the way they work.

In my opinion, the most effective way to deliver training is to make it as hands on as possible but don't expect everyone to keep up and learn everything. I always ask my trainees to try to take at least one thing away that they will work on or try.

In terms of resources, you will create your own according to the needs of your audience but you do not need to spend hours creating beautiful templates. Instead, head to somewhere like to make use of the amazing free templates already made available by Paula and other educators.
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Your first trainings
In order to complete your Trainer application you will need to have conducted a certain amount of training already. This could be with staff in your school or elsewhere but you will need to draw on these experiences as part of your written application as well as reflecting on how impactful the training was and how you might improve it.

In order to do this, it's important to gather feedback from any training sessions that you run and ideally, you would want these sessions to include a minimum of 5 trainees.

Later on we'll look at what sort of feedback to gather but of course, how you gather it is about walking the walk, so use a google form and make life easy on you and your trainees.

At this point in time you cannot claim to be a Google Trainer but as a Certified Educator Level 2, you will have plenty of knowledge to impart on your audience that will revolutionise the way they work.

In my opinion, the most effective way to deliver training is to make it as hands on as possible but don't expect everyone to keep up and learn everything. I always ask my trainees to try to take at least one thing away that they will work on or try.

In terms of resources, you will create your own according to the needs of your audience but you do not need to spend hours creating beautiful templates. Instead, head to somewhere like to make use of the amazing free templates already made available by Paula and other educators.