A Better Life

by Lee Brandon

Pages 2 and 3 of 14

The old lady's eyes grew large as she passed the great walls of the city of Florence. As a peasant from the countryside, she had never been inside the city of Florence.
"Oh my goodness! Just look at all these people, donkeys, and buildings." the old lady exclaimed to the young man walking next to her. The year was 1636 and Florence was again hit by the bubonic plague. Despite the threat of the deadly disease, people were still busily moving around in the city. Rowan, the young man, was not surprised. After all, it was Florence. Located on a peninsula, Florence was the center of trade. Merchants led donkeys pulling carts of goods through the streets. Townspeople hurriedly weaved around the donkeys and carts as craftsmen of different kinds yelled out their services and products.
"Yes, mother. This will be our new life now. No more hunger. No more hard labor. With this new position, I can provide for you and the young ones." Rowan proudly smiled to her mother. Rowan was the newly appointed plague doctor of Florence. As a peasant from the countryside, he had developed a wide knowledge of herbs. With the strong recommendation from a Florentine whom he had worked for, Rowan had applied for the position and was hired by the municipality of Florence. "Florence will pay my wages," Rowan continued proudly. "We are almost at our new home."
As Rowan and his mother approach a small cottage, they were surprised to see that a long line had formed in front of the house. Rowan could hear bits of conversations from the crowd that had gathered around his new home. The crowd of people was wondering if this was the home of the new plague doctor and when he might show up. Moving quickly to the front of the line, Rowan announced that he was the new plague doctor. "Please give me a few moments. I need to settle my mother and things." Rowan quickly walked into the house and set his belongings down in the small front room, where he would see his patients. He immediately pulled out his plague doctor apparel from his sack. He threw on his ankle-length overcoat and slipped on his gloves. He then grabbed the bird-like beak mask that was already filled with herbs and dried flowers and placed the mask over his face. Lastly, Rowan threw on the outer over-clothing garment and put on a wide-brimmed hat.