Book Creator

A Better Life

by Lee Brandon

Pages 4 and 5 of 14


Wearing his plague doctor garments, Rowan opened the door to his house and began seeing his patients. The conditions of each patient varied. The lucky ones complained of high temperatures, headaches, and fatigue, while the unlucky ones had boils and blackening and death of tissues. However, all the patients had 1 thing in common. They all had a lump, the size of a chicken egg, on their armpit, neck, or groin. Just as the condition of each patient varied, so did the treatment. For those who were less severe, Rowan prescribed vinegar drinks and herbs for them to fumigate their house. Patients with more severe conditions received applications on their skin in addition to the vinegar drinks and herbs. Rowan rubbed onions, herbs, and chopped up snakes and pigeons on the boils and blacked tissues.
The next 2 people who entered the room caught Rowan's eyes. He could immediately tell which one of them was the patient. A well-dressed man carried a young girl, who looked around the age of 6, in his arms. The young girl, dressed in a fine short-sleeve silk dress, had boils and blackened skin all over her arms. Her small face looked very tired and there were traces of dried blood under her nostrils. Like before, Rowan rubbed onions, herbs, and chopped up snakes and pigeons on the little girl's sores and blackened skin. He also gave her father vinegar drinks and herbs to take home. As Rowan was about to send them on their way, the father stopped him.
"Wait," the father said desperately. Rowan could tell from their dress that the man must be from a noble family or at least a very rich merchant. "That's it? Isn't there more you can do?" The man pleaded. "She is my only child. I cannot lose her. I can make you a wealthy man. If you can save her, all this is yours." With this, the finely dressed man threw a sack full of gold coins onto the table.
Rowan was greatly surprised. He had never seen so many gold coins in his life. An inner struggle began inside of Rowan. As a plague doctor, he was paid by the municipality of Florence. He was not supposed to accept any additional payments from any of his patients. More importantly, Rowan knew that there was nothing more he could do for the girl. The girl was going to die.
