Life From Bhutan to the USA

by Salim Khatiwada

Pages 4 and 5 of 8

They had 3 kids and I am the youngest of all. My parents had a very harsh life in the refugee camp because of the lifestyle and less education they could not get a good job. Both worked hours as a labor in the construction areas and managed to feed us.
उवाहरुको ३ सन्तान मध्ये मा कान्छो छोरो हु I सिक्षा नभएको कारणले गर्दा मेरो बाबा आमाले सर्नाथी सिबिर मा कुनै राम्रो काम पाएन र मझ्दुर काम गर्नु पर्ने अवस्था आयो र यसै गरि परिवारलाई हेरचाहा गर्दै बस्नु भयो I
We went to school at the refugee camp. I liked it so much because I could play with all my friends and read books. My siblings went to school as well.
हामि सबै क्याम्पकै स्कूलमा अध्यन गर्न थालेउ I मलाई मेरो स्कूल धेरै मन पर्छ र अजै माया लागेर आउछ I मलाइ मेरो साथीहरुको धेरै याद आउछ I

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