All About Dogs and Puppies

by Jocelyn

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All About Dogs and Puppies
by Jocelyn
chapter 1 supplies
You need to get a dog bed for your dog can sleep comfy or you can get a bed that is a matt for your dog .If you want you can get your dog some things like chew toys ,long toys,dog house and a dog bol .I will tell you what you need to take care of a dog or a puppy . you need a dog bol, chew toys ,water ,dog bed, cage ,dog sope ,doggy window ,doggy door ,doggy door bell ,leash ,coller ,dog house ,dog bone and dog food .
chapter 2 What do dogs like?
Dogs love treats. Other dogs hide their treats for later.
Sometimes when dogs hear there favorite word they will give you a serious stare and that means let's go or give me it. Most dogs like the dog park and Pupachinos or treats. A Pupachino is a Starbuck's drink for dogs. Fun fact... my mom and dad used to have two dogs their names are Romeo and Luna.
Chapter 3 What do Dogs Like to Play Outdoors?
Dogs love to play outside especially if you have a big backyard and lots of space. They like to run so your dog can chase you. If your dog likes sticks then play fetch with a stick, but be careful! If your dog gets too excited and you have a pool, they might fall on top of each other and fall in your pool.
Chapter 4 Kinds of Dogs.
There are many kinds of dog breads like a Golden Retriever, Pomeranians Black Lab, Chihuahua and a Husky. Fun fact... I always wanted a puppy since I was one years old. I loved dogs like my dad and my siblings too. Fun fact in 1957 the first ever mixed breed dog went to space her name was Laika .
Chapter 5 Dog Safety
arf arf ! what is that ? it is a puppy ! dogs are soft, friendly ,fluffy and cuddly ,but you need lots to know about dogs safety . little dogs need lots of atenshon ,like pomeranians fun fact you should keep an eye on your dog especially if it is very small . Your dog that is very small can get lost easily. There is an example down below .
your dog or puppy can chew throw the leather and sleep under the couch like a hammock
chapter 6 about pomeranians
Have you wonder why pomeranians have thick fur the truth is that pomeranians use to live in a very cold place on earth but then people bringed the dogs at the pet store or the vet .Pomeranians have lots of energy and they need a playful owner . Make sure to you do not play games with big or small tough dogs especially if it is with food .
chapter 7 facts about dogs
Dogs have five senses they use there senses to protect people and to sense danger .dogs can be very smart to ask for water and food .You should teach your dog tricks so you can give your dog more dog treats .some dogs have conditions like a dog that has two legs and one that has one eye .Those dogs have suffered a lot with surgery .One time when something is trying that is alive all you can do is pray with all your heart .